Results for 'Raísla Girardi Rodrigues'

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  1.  27
    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaç'o humana.Marli Teresinha Silva da Silveira, Raísla Girardi Rodrigues & Angelo Vitorio Cenci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):819-852.
    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaçâo humana Resumo: O artigo visa aproximar a abordagem da psicologia social de Mead e a perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial de Martin Heidegger da noção de interioridade desdobrada. Tal aproximação permite sustentar que há uma radical e inseparável reciprocidade entre homem/mulher e mundo. A radicalidade de tal reciprocidade suplanta a dicotomia interioridade e exterioridade, reaproximando o corpo do tempo, lugar mesmo da abertura existencial humana. Apresenta-se a noção de “self” como processo e a (...)
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    From care for the soul to the theory of the state in Jan Patočka.Lorenzo Girardi - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (3):196-210.
    This article sheds light on the relation between care for the soul and the political thought of Jan Patočka. Patočka often sketches a connection between care for the soul and a theory of the state, but he rarely elaborates this. The biographical fact of Patočka’s own political dissidence and his interpretation of care for the soul as a distancing from traditional structures of society have caused many to look at Patočka’s political thought mainly through the lens of political resistance. Such (...)
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  3. Phenomenological Metaphysics as a Speculative Realism.Lorenzo Girardi - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):336-349.
    The debate between speculative realism and phenomenology has become quite heated over the past years. The matter of contention is the possibility of a metaphysics that can provide knowledge of reality as it is in itself. The speculative realists accuse phenomenology of denying this possibility, confining knowledge to the sphere of subjectivity. What has been overlooked in this debate is the similarity between the speculative project of Quentin Meillassoux and a Husserlian metaphysics. This article looks at these positions from a (...)
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    Europe, Phenomenology, and Politics in Husserl and Patocka.Lorenzo Girardi - 2023 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Lorenzo Girardi brings together themes of Europe, phenomenology and politics to reveal the relevance of Edmund Husserl and Jan Patočka’s works for contemporary political issues. Addressing the concept of crisis in Europe, this book presents an agonistic conception of liberal democracy based on Patočka’s phenomenological concept of problematicity.
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    (1 other version)Dragišićeva logika [The logic of Georgius Benignus].Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin & Srećko Kovač - 2016 - In Erna Banić-Pajnić, Bruno Ćurko, Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin & Ivica Martinović, Juraj Dragišić: život i djela. Institute of Philosophy. pp. 51-78.
    It is shown, first, that Georgius Benignus [Juraj Dragišić, ca 1445-1520] at the end of the 15th century almost fully disposed with the theory of the fourth syllogistic figure. Prantl's view on Benignus' logic is critically examined. Besides, Benignus' doctrines on the supposition of terms and logical consequences are examined with respect to his two versions of logic (1488/1489 and 1519) and to the main influences (e.g., Strodus, Paulus Venetus, Ferebrich, Paulus Pergolensis). A reduction of the rules of consequences of (...)
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    Construct representation and definitions in psychopathology: the case of delusion.Adriano C. T. Rodrigues & Claudio E. M. Banzato - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:5.
    Delusion is one of the most intriguing psychopathological phenomena and its conceptualization remains the subject of genuine debate. Claims that it is ill-defined, however, are typically grounded on essentialist expectations that a given definition should capture the core of every instance acknowledged as delusion in the clinical setting.
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  7. » Discussiones peripateticae izmedu doksografije i povijesti filozofije kao filozofske discipline «.Mihaela Girardi Karsulin - 1995 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 15.
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  8. Chapter Six Recognising Non-Western Thought in Human Rights Theory Maria Rodrigues.Maria Rodrigues - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 101.
  9.  35
    The code for global ethics: the ten humanist principles.Rodrigue Tremblay - 2010 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    The Code for Global Ethics: Ten Humanist Principles By Dr Rodrigue Tremblay Prometheus Books -/- The world faces a crisis of civilization, which is in reality a moral crisis. The modern moral worldview that has evolved since the 18th Century Age of Enlightenment seems to be weathering. There is a recrudescence of the old moral formulas that encourage conflicts and wars. Humanity is in need of a new moral revival, free of sectarian references, in order to pursue its long march (...)
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    Dan Zahavi, Husserlova fenomenologija.Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (2):314-319.
  11.  8
    Hrvatski renesansni aristotelizam.Mihaela Girardi Karšulin - 1993 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Jean-François Lyotard, Postmoderno stanje, prevela Tatjana Tadić, Ibis-grafika, Zagreb 2005, viii+ 115 str.Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin - 2007 - Prolegomena 6:1.
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  13.  43
    The risk of freedom: ethics, phenomenology and politics in Jan Patočka.Lorenzo Girardi - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (1):81-83.
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  14.  20
    Philosophy and poetry in the writings of Heidegger.Carlo Girardi - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (4):775-783.
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    Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap–Dunn logic.Abilio Rodrigues, Juliana Bueno-Soler & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5451-5480.
    This paper introduces the logic of evidence and truth \ as an extension of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \. \ is a slightly modified version of the logic \, presented in Carnielli and Rodrigues. While \ is equipped only with a classicality operator \, \ is equipped with a non-classicality operator \ as well, dual to \. Both \ and \ are logics of formal inconsistency and undeterminedness in which the operator \ recovers classical logic for propositions in its (...)
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  16.  41
    Are future generations that belong to language minorities entitled to group rights?Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):1-8.
    In this article, I investigate to what extent future generations that belong to language minorities are entitled to group rights that protect their linguistic identity. In particular, I assess whether these future generations are entitled to assistance rights, symbolic claims, self-government rights and exemptions from the law. To address this I outline three arguments supporting group rights for current generations and raise the question of whether these arguments, which are true for current generations, will also be true for future generations. (...)
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  17.  14
    The War with the Insectoids.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Ricardo Tavares - 2021 - Philosophy Now 144:64-66.
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    Filozofska misao Frane Petrića.Mihaela Girardi Karšulin - 1988 - Zagreb: Odjel za povjest filozofije instituta za povijesne znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
  19.  18
    Le seizième «Convegno» de Gallarate.Jules Girardi - 1961 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 59 (64):701-706.
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  20. Um confronto entre cultura grega e cristianismo.Leopoldo Justino Girardi - 1981 - In Ari Pedro Oro, Urbano Zilles & Antônio Renato Henriques, Filosofia da educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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  21.  54
    Nietzsche e Platão: arte e orquestração das paixões.Luzia Gontijo Rodrigues - 2004 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (109):136-158.
  22.  27
    Cognitive Health and Differential Cortical Functioning in Dissociative Trance: An Explorative Study About Mediumship.Karleth Costa Spindola-Rodrigues, Renandro de Carvalho Reis, Caio Macedo de Carvalho, Socorro D’Paula Nayh Leite Loiola de Siqueira, Antonio Vitor da Rocha Neto & Kelson James Almeida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:874720.
    AimTo evaluate the cognitive functioning of subjects practicing trance mediumship in Brazil.MethodThe study was based on the measurement of cognitive functions of 19 spirits mediums through neuropsychological tests such as the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery, the Verbal Fluency Test, the digit span test, the cube test, the five digit test and an evaluation of mental health through scales such as the Beck Depression Inventory, the Self-Report Questionnaire, and the Trauma History Questionnaire. The sample included the participation of spirit mediums divided (...)
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  23.  17
    Foucault do suplício à ditadura militar: Memórias de Uma história política.Mária Tânia Rodrigues - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 12 (24):24-30.
    O presente trabalho tenta resgatar a memória do poder soberano, período que predominou o suplício, passando pelo poder disciplinar na visão de Michel Foucault, chegando ao período do regime militar no Brasil. Traz como objetivo procurar identificar como é o comportamento de cada indivíduo com relação ao poder, além de buscar uma delimitação da docilização, como algo permanente em toda história da humanidade, focando principalmente nos eventos acima mencionados. Utilizamos como metodologia as obras do autor “Vigiar e Punir ”, “Microfísica (...)
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  24.  31
    Marriage and the theology of Hebrews. A theological reading of Heb 12:28–13:6 with a focus on marriag.Adriani Milli Rodrigues - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (170):125-151.
    Taking into account the debate about the continuity or discontinuity in Heb 1-12 and Heb 13, with the implication of whether the hortatory material in chapter 13 is consistent with chapters 1-12 or it is a list of miscellaneous exhortations instead, this article seeks to discern connections between the concept of marriage in 13:4 with the ideas stated in 12:28–13:6. This endeavor is informed by a reading of 12:28-13:6 made in three steps. First, 12:28-29 is read as a transition for (...)
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  25. Religious Sects: Problems and Challenges to National Integration.Antonio Rodrigues - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 8 (4):378-390.
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    Science Teaching, Disagreements and Intellectual Autonomy.Uarison Rodrigues Barreto - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (3).
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  27.  32
    Uma introdução ao Contextualismo na Epistemologia Contemporânea.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues (ed.) - 2013 - Porto alegre: EDIPUCRS.
    Este livro oferece uma introdução ao Contextualismo Epistemológico e se destina aos leitores que possuem algumas noções/aptidões bem gerais sobre filosofia, mais especificamente sobre Teoria do Conhecimento ou Epistemologia, mas não requer qualquer conhecimento prévio sobre o Contextualismo e, portanto, acredito que deva ser de grande utilidade para estudantes e pesquisadores que se interessem e pretendam trabalhar com esse interessante tópico. Tendo em vista que ele reflete boa parte da minha pesquisa realizada durante o doutoramento, entendo que ele não deva (...)
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  28.  21
    From dream to reality: a disabled child is born.Fernanda Girardi, Dóris Cristina Gedrat & Gehysa Guimarães Alves - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):60-88.
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    Do sonho à realidade: o nascimento de um filho com deficiência.Fernanda Girardi, Dóris Cristina Gedrat & Gehysa Guimarães Alves - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):62-90.
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  30.  41
    Hidden and Unintended Racism and Speciesism in the Portuguese Animal Rights Movement: The Case of Bullfighting.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2015 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 62 (144):1-18.
    The Portuguese animal rights movement has been extremely active in campaigning against bullfighting. Indeed, from 2002 to 2014, this was their main priority in terms of campaigns. In this article, I assess how these campaigns have been carried out, arguing that the animal rights movement in Portugal has been othering supporters and practitioners of bullfights in their campaigns. In other words, their campaigns have consisted of drawing a sharp contrast between bullfight supporters and practitioners and the rest of the population. (...)
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  31. Invariance and Set-Theoretical Operations in First Order Structures.Alexandre Rodrigues, Ricardo Filho & Edelcio de Souza - 2006 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:207-213.
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  32.  14
    O adolescente infrator eo uso de substâncias psicoativas; The adolescent offenders and the use of drugs.Rosane Borges Rodrigues, Simara Rossetto & Sonia Liane R. Rovinski - 2001 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 13:43-51.
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    (1 other version)Os cemitérios públicos como alvo das disputas entre Igreja e Estado na crise do Império.Cláudia Rodrigues - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (1).
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    Ética E história a partir da criação ficcional em Sartre: Pela unidade dinâmica E simultaneamente orgânica da obra do autor.Thiago Rodrigues - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 20:120-138.
    The objective with this study is highlight the thesis of organic and dynamic continuity of the intellectual production of Jean-Paul Sartre from the conception of history and the ethical implications that flow from it. This work will look on the fictional production of philosopher, particularly his novels, for the purpose of evidencing such thesis.
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  35. Reason as a heterogenous tool: The case of notice to refugees.Jose Ricardo Souza Rodrigues - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):437-448.
  36. AI ethics should not remain toothless! A call to bring back the teeth of ethics.Rowena Rodrigues & Anaïs Rességuier - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Ethics has powerful teeth, but these are barely being used in the ethics of AI today – it is no wonder the ethics of AI is then blamed for having no teeth. This article argues that ‘ethics’ in the current AI ethics field is largely ineffective, trapped in an ‘ethical principles’ approach and as such particularly prone to manipulation, especially by industry actors. Using ethics as a substitute for law risks its abuse and misuse. This significantly limits what ethics can (...)
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  37. Definability and Invariance.A. A. M. Rodrigues & N. C. A. da Costa - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (1):1-30.
    In his thesis 'Para uma Teoria Geral dos Homomorfismos' (1944) the Portuguese mathematician José Sebastião e Silva constructed an abstract or generalized Galois theory, that is intimately linked to F. Klein’s Erlangen Program and that foreshadows some notions and results of today’s model theory; an analogous theory was independently worked out by M. Krasner in 1938. In this paper, we present a version of the theory making use of tools which were not at Silva’s disposal. At the same time, we (...)
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  38.  59
    Is Environmental Governance Substantive or Symbolic? An Empirical Investigation.Michelle Rodrigue, Michel Magnan & Charles H. Cho - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):107-129.
    The emergence of environmental governance practices raises a fundamental question as to whether they are substantive or symbolic. Toward that end, we analyze the relationship between a firm’s environmental governance and its environmental management as reflected in its ultimate outcome, environmental performance. We posit that substantive practices would bring changes in organizations, most notably in terms of improved environmental performance, whereas symbolic practices would portray organizations as environmentally committed without making meaningful changes to their operations. Focusing on a sample of (...)
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  39.  18
    Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Les Mitchell (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book focuses on multiculturalism, racism and the interests of nonhuman animals. Each are, in their own right, rapidly growing and controversial fields of enquiry, but how do multiculturalism and racism intersect with the debate concerning animals and their interests? This a deceptively simple question but on that is becoming ever more pressing as we examine our societal practices in a pluralistic world. Collating the work of a diverse group of academics from across the world, the book includes writing on (...)
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    Injustice for the sake of public health: Freeing prisoners in Portugal during the COVID‐19 pandemic.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (4):385-387.
    This case study analysis looks at Portuguese policy during the COVID‐19 pandemic whereby convicts were freed for the sake of public health. I defend this policy negatively by refuting the argument that suggested it involved various forms of injustice.
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    Just Hierarchy and its Critics: Part I.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues, Chen Renren & Demin Duan - 2023 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (4):403-406.
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  42.  17
    Criminal law, multicultural jurisdictions and cultural evidence.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (2):184-196.
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    A ciência e seus impasses: debates e tendências em filosofia, ciências sociais e saúde.Sábado Nicolau Girardi, Jeni Vaitsman & Peter Munz (eds.) - 1999 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Fiocruz.
    Coletânea que permite - da densidade téorica da primeira parte à possibilidade de reconstruir o real, na segunda - uma leitura da trajetória da ciência naquilo que esta tem recuperado de mais moderno em suas bases filosóficas/epistemológicas. Ainda que não se busque a unidade, ou não se a exponha como orientadora, isto não é criticável: afinal, o projeto pós-moderno vislumbra um horizonte sem o comprometimento das totalidades e das verdades absolutas. Ao abordar questões filosóficas complexas e debatê-las com investigações sobre (...)
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  44.  22
    Athéisme et théisme face au problème de la valeur absolue de l'homme.Jules Girardi - 1967 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 65 (86):207-225.
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    Damir Barbarić (ur.), Aristotel i aristotelizam.Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):199-202.
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    Description des essences et ontologie.Jules Girardi - 1961 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 59 (64):640-671.
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    Eugen Fink: Igra kao simbol svijeta.Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (1):79-82.
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    Federik Grisogono (Federicus Chrysogonus) und der Begriff der nützlichen theoretischen Wissenschaft.Mihaela Girardi-Karsulin - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (2):279-294.
    The article considers the idea of astronomy as useful theoretical science as it was promoted by Federik Grisogono, Croatian renaissance philosopher, astrologist and physician in his work Astronomical Mirror. U ntill the Renaissance, theoretical science in principle could not be useful since this followed from the very aristotelian-platonic notion of theoretical science whose assignment was only to consider what is eternal and unchangeable. Theoretical science in any case could not be “useful science”. Grisogono considers possibility of a theoretical science – (...)
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    II giudizio finale nella omiletica di Basilio di Cesarea.Mario Girardi - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):183-190.
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  50.  27
    Les facteurs extra-intellectuels de la connaissance humaine.Jules Girardi - 1964 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 62 (75):477-500.
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